Running for the CSC

The Central Societies Committee (CSC) is the sole body on campus with the power to grant recognition to societies as well as fund society activity. As the governing body of societies, the CSC represents their interests in dealings with the College authorities. Every year a new Executive Committee is elected to carry out the Committee’s activities and by electing them the Committee delegates its duties and powers to that Exec.

The CSC Executive

The Executive Committee of the CSC is made up of the student Officers and the Executive. All twelve of these positions will be elected on the 27th March. The four Officers are the Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Amenities Officer and the eight other positions on the committee are Executive members.

The responsibilities of the Officers are as follows:

Chairperson: Chairs the meetings of the Committee and the Executive. Oversees the work of the committee. This is a sabbatical position.

Treasurer: Oversees the accounts and the grant application process, consults and advises societies on all things income and expenditure. 

Secretary: Advises and oversees all things constitutional, supports societies with the running of general meetings and committee activities. 

Amenities Officer: Works on behalf of societies to support and develop the facilities available to them. Think shelving, sofas, upkeep of society rooms. 

The eight Executive members then function as ordinary committee members. They decide on grant applications for societies, approve new society applications, and advise on every major decision and activity the CSC undertakes.

Important Role Details

Chairperson: This position is now a sabbatical role. If elected, you will need to take an intermission of studies for the duration of your term.

Wages: Officers receive a wage of €200 per week. The Sabbatical Chair receives €379 per week if you choose to take accommodation, or €579 per week without accommodation (gross before any tax deductions).

Why Run for the CSC?

Being on the Executive grants you inside access to the inner workings of society life here in Trinity. You meet for an hour once a week to support students and societies to reach new heights of entertainment and exploration and be a part of a diverse team from all different parts of the college who are united in their love for the community and spirit of Trinity societies. You’ll have the chance to advocate for and represent societies at every level of the college. Most of all, you’ll be able to give back to the societies that have given you so much. 

Nominations and Elections

In line with our Constitution, all nominees for any position on the Executive must provide the Secretary with a short biography detailing past societal work, personal qualities, and experience relevant to the role. For nominees for the Chairperson position, your biography must be submitted at least fourteen days in advance of the AGM. Your biography will be circulated in advance to the Committee with any other papers relating to the meeting.

Disclaimer regarding Officer Nominations (Section 10.4 of the Constitution): Officer positions are normally only open to current or previous exec and if 2 of such nominations are received, no more will be accepted. However, Executive member nominations are welcome from anyone whether you have served on exec or not.

On the day of the AGM (March 27th, 6PM), nominees for Officers (other than Chairperson) will be allowed to address the meeting for no more than three minutes each, while nominees for Chairperson may speak for up to five minutes. Nominees for the remaining Executive positions will have one minute each to speak. Each nominee may speak only once. The voting will take place after the speeches.

How to Nominate

Nominations are now open – please complete the nomination form and include your short biography as described above. Nominations must be signed by the treasurers of two fully recognised sodalities or associations and emailed to  

Deadline for nominations and bio

Executive Member Nominations: Thursday, 20th March 2025

Officer Nominations (Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, or Amenities Officer): Thursday, 13th March 2025

If you have any questions about the roles or the nomination process, please feel free to reach out to any of the current officers at the email addresses provided below.

For more information, please see the current CSC Constitution and the recording from our Officer Information Session.