The CSC logo over a picture of Fellow's Square outside of the Arts Block

What is the Central Societies Committee?

The Central Societies Committee (CSC) is there to support societies in Trinity, by supplying funding, co-ordinating events like the Freshers' Fair, and promoting societies to college leadership.

Summer Office Hours

CSC Office House 6 Summer Timetable
May: Noelle in on Tuesday & Wednesday between 12 to 3 pm, Emma on the 3rd, 9th, 24th and 31st from 11 to 4 pm, Officers by email or appointment
June: New officers take over on 1st of June, office closed but emails monitored
July: Office closed
August: Office re-opens mid-August, date to be confirmed, emails monitored
September: Re-open as normal from 10 to 5 pm Monday to Thursday and 10 to 4 pm on Friday

Email for general enquiries